Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Lately we have been so busy...
Living in Ft. Worth and driving to Dallas every day really sucks up a TON OF TIME. I know I complain about this a lot and I shouldn't at all since it's an amazing job with amazing people, but sometimes..... it's tough.
Jackson has been sick since Sunday. Poor dude has strep. He's slowly feeling better and getting back to the old him. We've been having good conversations over popsicles and jello. He hasn't been sleeping so well, which means I haven't. He gets pretty irritated and angry quick. I think that's more his age, but mix 3 year old attitude and sickness... whew. I'm tired.
I'm still working on his birthday party. I haven't even started to send out the invitations. I'm terrible. I made the template but now I need to just sit down at a printer and PRINT THE DAMN THINGS. All the little details are going to take some time, too. I might have to skip some stuff though, which is making me sad.
Sophie had to have an emergency vet trip Monday, too. One of her nails broke off, ouch. And she has some sort of skin infection. She's a-ok and her nail doesn't even hurt. After losing one dog this year, I can't stand when anything is remotely wrong with this one. I know she's ok, but I snuggle her a little closer at night.
We have family portraits this weekend!!!!!!!
We also have a family member's wedding to go to next weekend... in AUSTIN!!! I FINALLY GET TO GO TO THE MAGNOLIA CAFE. Yes. I am THAT excited about. Screamy caps and all.

So, I closed the comments on the blog. I'm finding that I check my email way to frequently after I post something on here. Which is nuts to me. I started this for me, not for comments. Anywhooooo... if you want to comment to me or about me or whatevs, you can email me through the contact form or find me on Instagram, amanda_smith. I don't have any other changes planned for this place of mine, but I do want the writing and posts to be more about me and my family and not about what I think people want to hear. If you like me, then sweet!! enjoy. If not, then cool... see ya! :]

I hope everyone is having an amazing week and getting more rest than me and my little guy.

(EDIT) So yah. Who am I kidding... I like getting comments. I like checking to see if someone read my post. PSH. Oh the goodness of changing your mind. :] So they are back open, and I'm a crazy person.