Thursday, April 28, 2011

A photo an hour....

 5am- ugh. i hate 5am. Jeremy is asleep in the background.
 6am : almost at work. Downtown Dallas.
 7am: making muffins!
9am: specials
 10am: I really want to eat one...right now.
11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm: BUSY!
 3pm: Thanks for parking so close....
 3pm: Leaving work!
 4pm: Going to Target
5pm: Leaving Target.
 6pm: Going to the mall to pick up pizza!
 7pm: And play a little :]
 8pm: leaving the mall with PIZZA!
 9ish pm: someone is trying to steal my pizza....
 9ish: I opened my box from my mom for Mother's Day!
 10pm: Someone wouldn't go to sleep....
 10ish: Jack new art work from school :]
 10ish: reading books.
11pm: He always goes to bed at 9pm. Yah. He was trying to escape the bedtime. 

These were all taken on April 27th, 2011, 
on my iPhone with the Hipstamtic app.

I was up at 4am this morning to get to work really early... So that 11pm bed time the night before is really catching up with me! 
Hopefully I can sleep well tonight and work on some cakes tomorrow! 
My super sweet husband was super sweet and surprised me with 2 tickets! I can't believe I'm going! I haven't been to a show in about 6 years. I have to find something to wear!



Danielle Leal said...

oh my I hate when people park so close. Its not nice!!
Those muffins look delicious!

Looks like a really good day!

mama bloggt jetzt said...

One Busy momma :]

Melissa {TheScarletCardinal} said...

Love the photo an hour! That purse is fab!