Monday, February 7, 2011


 This is what happens when I have a lot to do around the house...
(please ignore my messy shelves... oh and the boxed wine)

 Jeans that are too big: American Eagle
Tank: Target
Tshirt: Urban
Socks: Target

I had a huge list of to-do's and I'm actually almost done with them all! 
One was to wash the dogs and groom them a little. 
Well Sophie (my dog) got a good grooming. 
HA! I am HORRIBLE with clippers, so I feel bad for her. 
But she does have a cute new sweater on!
She's giving me the evil eye in this picture. 
She loves me.

I'm back to work tomorrow after not being there almost ALL WEEK. 
I'll be nice to get some cupcakes baking. I also have to take some photos for a local magazine again. 
Woah. I just realized I never posted the photo that we printed! 

Now I need to:
-Put all the laundry away (baaah)
-Eat my weight in Texas Sheet Cake
-Play with Jack Jack
-Find something that the kid will ACTUALLY eat
-Bathe Jack
-Hopefully get Jack to bed at a decent hour.
(10pm is NOT a decent hour, Jack.)


Ed said...

Sweet, you dress like me! I'm such a jeans and t-shirt girl. And American Eagle has the best jeans (in my opinon :)

Amanda Smith said...

:] Yay! I used to think they were amazing, but after Jack I've lost so much weight that I can't find the right size at AE. I'm right inbetween sizes. I found some Gap jeans recently, but I have to order them online because they don't carry the short versions in the store. Ugh! Life of a short person. lol

Ed said...

I KNOW!!! I'm 5'1" and it's tricky finding's been about a year and a half since I had my little boy and I'm still in between sizes. :( Sigh. It kinda sorta makes me want to wear skirts/dresses more, I seem to have better luck with those...

Danielle Leal said...

You look super comfy! And that's such a great outfit to wear while getting a to-do list done!
Your dog is adorable and i love the sweater. Do they have one in my size and for adults?

Hope have a wonderful day tomorrow!